Local Trust / Big Local Newcastle
Local Trust / Big Local Nottingham
Local Trust - Big Local
Renewable Energy by the people, for the people! Visual Minutes for RegenSW, Communities.
NHS Consultation Day in Bolton
Backstage! Me! at the Royal Exchange, Manchester
3rd Food Poverty Conference
BUFDG Conference in Leicester
Planning Camp part 2. Oxford
Planning Camp 3D Visual Minutes
New 3D Visual Minutes!
Claire, James & Kirsti made 3D Visual Minutes at York Planning Camp for the Eden Project & Locality. Here is a short film of the work.
Cultures at Calderstones
Using creativity to engage & inspire learners
Phoenix Housing Consultation Visual Minutes
Kirsti and Jonny drew these visual minutes over 3 evenings of community consultation sessions at Phoenix Housing, a Housing Association in South London. The minutes contain feedback from residents about what they don't like about the areas they live in and the potential solutions they think could work.